At GO54, we take internet security seriously and operate with a zero tolerance abuse policy. Through our extensive policy, we ensure any abuse over the internet by a domain registered or hosted with us should be reported to avoid the continuous exploitation of innocent users. Complaints include but are not limited to Phishing, Malware, Spamming, Copyright infringement, Trademark infringement, Disputes claim, Fraudulent claim, Defamation, Compromised accounts, Network abuse, Inaccurate Whois, and Child abuse. We aim to respond within 24 hours to every abuse related complaint
In order to report an abuse incident, please send an email to stating the domain name (s) or accounts involved. As always, please substantiate your allegations with concrete evidence and/or any other relevant information to verify the abuse incident and help us take appropriate action. Keep in mind that depending on the type of the issue you’d like to report, the evidence may vary.
Upon receipt of the information above, GO54 will investigate and take necessary actions to prevent further damages. While we investigate, we reserve the right to temporarily deny access to or remove the alleged infringing material from our website, or take any other appropriate measure. If the Complaining Party has a legitimate claim, we reserve the right to permanently remove, suspend, deny access to the infringing material or take any other appropriate measure. If there is no legitimate claim, we will immediately restore access to the allegedly infringing material.
Please note that GO54 cannot act as an arbiter between the complaining party and its client based on allegations of fraud. In cases like this, the complaining party will be required to file a complaint at the police station or through a Law enforcement agency so that the case can be duly investigated.
Phishing is the fraudulent practilce of sending deceptive emails pretending to be from reputable companies in order to make individuals reveal personal information, such as passwords ,credit card numbers, checking account information and Social Security numbers Phishing emails feature deceptive links that masquerade as various purposes, yet upon clicking, they may initiate the download of malware onto your system, posing a risk to your entire network of computers. These phishing emails may also aim to trick recipients into revealing personal information, which could be exploited for fraudulent activities or as a component of a widespread cyber attack
Malware is any form of malicious software or code designed to disrupt or compromise a computer system's normal operations. Its intentions may range from extortion, inserting unwanted advertising, to seizing control and modifying system functions. Additionally, it can infiltrate systems to access sensitive data, with the aim of theft, deletion, or encryption. Malware can infiltrate computer systems through multiple avenues, including clicking on links in phishing emails or encountering deceptive online advertisements. Frauds and scams are similar offenses that revolve around illicitly redirecting finances through deceptive and fraudulent tactics. This might entail the illicit acquisition or exploitation of bank information for unauthorized access to funds, or tricking a victim into transferring money to a criminal group.
A network attack is an effort by an unauthorized user to infiltrate the victim's computer with malicious intentions. This may involve trying to infect the computer, exploit or impair its resources, or pilfer sensitive information. Network attacks typically fall into two categories: passive attacks, which involve the monitoring of information, and active attacks, where information is tampered with, aiming to corrupt or dismantle the data or the entire network.
While child abuse is a type of prohibited/illegal content, at GO54 we treat this as a separate category of abuse. Child abuse includes physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. It can be defined as any means of depicting or promoting sexual abuse of a child, including print and/or audio, centered on sex acts or child pornography.
How to make a report
Process to address other abuse complaint
After sending the email, a ticket is received at our ticketing system to track reports. Each of the email sent has a unique ID, which is used for internal purposes. After our investigations, this unique ID will be referenced to respond accordingly with our review and any subsequent next steps.
Whois serves as the governing body overseeing the worldwide registry of domains. However, there are instances where domain registrations may contain inaccurate, outdated, or deliberately misleading information. This can occur due to human mistakes or information that has evolved over time without proper adjustment. Additionally, certain registrants may intentionally provide false details to maintain their anonymity.
How to make a report
Process to address Whois inaccuracy complaint
Spam refers to unsolicited promotional messages that you receive without giving consent. Interestingly, it's also an acronym for "Special Processed American Meat," a product popular during the Second World War, and the term's association with email abuse originates from a Monty Python comedy sketch. Spam encompasses various forms of mass communication, including emails, that are both unsolicited and misleading. Typically, it takes the form of commercial emails sent out to a large number of recipientsThese spam emails often employ spoofing, a technique in which the email falsely claims to be from a different individual or company in order to elicit a response. They may also entice recipients with promises of special offers or prizes.
How to make a report
Process to address spam complaint
Trademark and Copyright are legal safeguards for an organization's identity and creative output. A trademark pertains to the rights associated with a word, phrase, symbol, or design that distinguishes a company. Conversely, copyright safeguards an organization's intellectual property or original creations.
When an external entity uses a trademark or copyrighted material without authorization, it constitutes a breach known as trademark or copyright infringement. Claims of copyright infringement concerning online content are governed by the United States' Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
How to make a report
You can read more about our Trademark/Copyright Infringement Policy via this link.